
A typical work day for an acute care therapist

I have worked in four different hospitals throughout my career ranging from community, trauma and county, managed care and academic hospitals. Types of hospitals This will give you a general idea of what I’ve experienced. Work hours at a full time position In my experience, I have not ever been required me to clock in and out at a hospital job, although you needed to a badge to get into the hospital and they are able to track that information if needed.

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What additional skills Are Needed in Acute Care vs SNF or home health?

What skills are needed working in a hospital vs working in skilled nursing or home health? In acute care, the OT role is much the same, evaluating a patient for OT needs, making a treatment plan, progressing a patient to increased independence, and caregiver training. The goal is slightly different. The goal of an acute care therapist is to work with the medical team to expedite a patient’s discharge out of the hospital and to reduce the likelihood of readmission due to the inability to perform ADLs safely or adequately at home.

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