County hospital lives up to the hype

By Tiffany Lai August 16, 2023

After applying for per diem hospital jobs for a solid year, I FINALLY got hired!

This particular hospital was a county hospital in a neighborhood notorious for crime and violence.

Let me mention, I grew up in a upper middle class, very safe neighborhood. As my coworker put it, me starting this job was like putting a puppy in an alligator den.

The VERY FIRST patient I had on the very first day was a man who was shot multiple times in a liquor store. I went with a senior OT who was onboarding me. The patient was a large, beefy, Arnold Schwarzenegger-type guy. The moment we stepped in, he informed us of how much he did not want to see us. My onboarder tried to educate him about the benefits of OT and he started cussing us out. I’m convinced that if he wasn’t shot in one leg, he would have physically come for us too.

Later I told my coworkers, “Wow, ____ county hospital really lived up to it’s name immediately!” They just laughed.

I will say, eventually this job was one of my most favorite even though it seemed I wasn’t suited for it. What you eventually enjoy may end up surprising you.